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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains how NPIAP uses any personal information we collect about you when you use this website.


What information do we collect about you?

From General Users

NPIAP does not collect any personal data from users browsing its website. We do collect basic information about how visitors use our site including pages visited, website traffic patterns and server-usage statistics. These data are used to improve content, site performance, and service for our visitors. Website usage information is collected using cookies.


From NPIAP Conference Registrants and Other Customers

To gain access to members-only resources and personalization features on npiap.com members and other users are asked to register and provide some limited information. This information is submitted voluntarily. NPIAP asks users to provide their name and email address. Similar information may be submitted to NPIAP through membership applications, conference or event registration, online purchases, and abstract submissions. Additionally, for some emails sent in HTML format by NPIAP, we collect specific information regarding what the recipient does with that email. In those cases, we monitor the user’s email address, whether the user clicks though to links provided in the message, the date and time of the user’s click through, the name of the link or source from which the message was sent, the tracking URL number and the destination page. This information is not sold or distributed in any other manner.


How will we use the information about you?

NPIAP uses information voluntarily submitted by members and other customers in the following ways:


NPIAP Member Services and Products

Generally, NPIAP and its direct subsidiaries use data collected to improve its own web content; to respond to visitors’ interests, needs and preferences; and to develop new products and services.


Disclosures to Third Parties

On occasion, NPIAP may provide limited data to third parties that offer products and services. These limited data include names, email addresses, home and/or business addresses, and job titles. Users may request NPIAP refrain from disclosing the data it collects to third parties by contacting NPIAP at  admin@npiap.com or +1-978-364-5130 to express their preferences if they determine later that they do not wish to have the information shared.


Consent to Use Personal Information

For the purposes of the Data Protection Act(s) 1984 and 1998 (as applicable), NPIAP or its agents must store, host and otherwise process the information (including personal data) supplied by the user when registering for this website. NPIAP may send such data outside the European Economic Area for processing. If you reside in the European Union, the personal information you have provided may be transferred and stored in countries outside of the EU, including the United States. User supplies as defined above when registering for the website in order to allow NPIAP (or its designated agents) to use the information to send the user unsolicited direct mail advertisements, promotions, and solicitations for third parties' products and services.


Credit Card Account Information

NPIAP does not disclose credit card account information provided by its members and customers. When members and customers choose to pay using their credit cards, NPIAP submits the information needed to obtain payment to the appropriate clearinghouse.



We would like to send you information about products and services of ours and other companies which may be of interest to you. If you have consented to receive marketing, you may opt out at a later date. You have a right at any time to stop us from contacting you for marketing purposes or giving your information to others. Please contact  admin@npiap.com or call 978-364-5130 if you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes.


Access to your information and correction

You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please contact us or write to us at 4 Lan Drive, Suite 310, Westford, MA 01886 U.S.A. We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information you think is inaccurate.



Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behavior information. This information is used to track visitor use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity. For further information visit www.aboutcookies.org or www.allaboutcookies.org. These websites contain information on how to set your browser not to accept cookies or remove cookies from your browser. However, some of our website features may not function as a result.


Other websites

Our website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to this website, so when you link to other websites you should read their own privacy policy.


Changes to our privacy policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on July 11, 2019.


How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you:

  • by email at admin@npiap.com
  • by phone at 978-364-5130
  • or write to us at 4 Lan Drive, Suite 310, Westford, MA 01886 U.S.A.

YourMembership by Community Brands Privacy Policy and Use of Cookies

At YourMembership.com we are committed to protecting your privacy. We do not rent or resell your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes. The information we collect is used to provide services to our clients and this statement of privacy explains data collection and use in those situations. Please read this complete privacy statement.

YourMembership.com, Inc. is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of non-YourMembership.com websites to which this Site or any other YourMembership.com website may link. Also, YourMembership.com is not responsible for the privacy practices of its Clients or users of its Client websites. You should review any additional privacy policy and terms of use agreements of the entity from whose website you clicked-through before using the site.

Please note that the practices of YourMembership.com, Inc., its affiliates, and agents ("YM"), with respect to data collected and used by YM in connection with this website and all other YM affiliated websites, and its affiliates with links to this policy (collectively, the "Site") and YM services available or enabled via the Site ("Services"), are governed by this online privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") as amended from time to time, and not the privacy policy in effect at the time the data was collected. Please regularly review our Privacy Policy. If you have objections to the Privacy Policy, you should immediately discontinue use of the Site and the Services enabled by the Site and follow the procedure described in the section entitled "Updating your personal information and privacy preferences". This Privacy Policy does not govern privacy practices associated with offline activities, websites other than the Site, or any products or services not available or enabled via the Site. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that any terms of the Privacy Policy conflict with the terms of an existing written (including electronic) agreement between you and the website from which this Policy is linked, this Policy shall take precedence as it relate to the practices of YM.

U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework and the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework
YourMembership.com complies with the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework and the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries and Switzerland. YourMembership.com has certified that it adheres to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access, and enforcement. To learn more about the Safe Harbor program, and to view YourMembership.com's certification, please visit http://www.export.gov/safeharbor/

YourMembership.com has further committed to refer unresolved privacy complaints under the US-EU [and EU-Swiss] Safe Harbor Principles to an independent dispute resolution mechanism, the BBB EU SAFE HARBOR, operated by the Council of Better Business Bureaus. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint, or if your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed by YourMembership.com, please visit the BBB EU SAFE HARBOR web site at www.bbb.org/us/safe-harbor-complaints for more information and to file a complaint.

If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact:

YourMembership.com, Inc.
Attn: Privacy Officer
300 First Avenue South, #300
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

If you do not receive acknowledgment of your compliant or your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed by YourMembership.com, you should then contact:

Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc.
4200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203
Web: bbb.org
Email: eusafeharbor@council.bbb.org

Entities Collecting Personal Information
Personal information on this site is collected on behalf of the entity from whose web page you clicked-through and who is responsible for this site content and data. Please contact the organization responsible regarding collection questions and data privacy.

The site contains links to other sites at which personal information is collected. In such instances, unless expressly provided otherwise, the collection and use of your personal information will be governed by the privacy policy applicable to that site. That privacy policy should identify the entity that is collecting your personal information.

Updating Your Personal Information and Privacy Preferences

You have the right to access and correct your personal information and privacy preferences at any time. With respect to Profile Information, this may be accomplished by linking to your account at "Edit My Profile", where you can view and make changes to your personal information. You may also access and correct your personal information and privacy preferences (such as whether you wish to receive promotional communications) by writing the entity at their specified address within their contact information page on the site from which you have clicked.

Personal information submitted through this Site or in connection with the Site that is not Profile Information or is not accessible online. To access and/or correct such information and privacy preferences (such as whether you wish to receive promotional communications), you may write the entity of contact them via their online contact form. In your correspondence, please detail the location on this Site or otherwise where you provided your personal information. You may expect a response within 30 days. For information submitted in connection with Products and Services, you may also follow instructions included or referenced within such Product and Service to access or correct the information.

Collection of Personal Information
As a visitor to this site, you can engage in many activities without providing any personal information. In connection with other activities, such as utilizing online or hosted Services, the Site may ask you to provide certain information about yourself by filling out and submitting a form. It is optional for you to engage in these activities. If you elect to engage in these activities, however, the Site may ask that you provide personal information, such as your first and last name, mailing address (including postal code), country of residence, e-mail address, employer, title, telephone and facsimile numbers, and other personal information. When participating in electronic commerce via the Site, you may be asked to provide a credit card number. Depending upon the activity, some of the information that is asked of you may be mandatory and some may be voluntary. If you do not provide the mandatory data with respect to a particular activity, you will not be able to engage in that activity. Similarly, if you wish to delete your information (pursuant to the mechanism set forth in "Updating your personal information and privacy preferences") that is mandatory, you will no longer be able to engage in a particular activity.

When you use the site and the Products and Services, the site may also collect certain information about your computer to facilitate and evaluate your use of the site and the Products and Services. For example, the site may log environmental variables, such as browser type, operating system, CPU speed, referring or exit webpages, and the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer. The Site also uses such information to measure traffic patterns on the Site and usage of the YM Services. YM does not match such information with any other information held by YM unless we have your consent.

By using this site, you agree and acknowledge that personal information collected through the Site or in connection with the services provided may be transferred across national boundaries and stored and processed in any of the countries around the world in which YM maintains offices, including the United States. You also acknowledge that in certain countries or with respect to certain activities, the collection, transfer, storage, and processing of your information may be undertaken by trusted third parties. Such third parties are bound by contract with YM not to use your personal information for their own purposes or provide it to any third parties. One instance where this could occur is in conjunction with framed pages in which the URL for the pages is not visible, and the pages are hosted for YM by such third parties. For example, on the sign up pages for some newsletters, the pages may be hosted by a third party vendor, but appear to be pages operated by YM and are governed by the YM privacy policy.

Unless expressly provided to the contrary, personal information that you provide while you are visiting a third party provider's website will be subject to the privacy policy posted on that site, and personal information that you provide while on this Site will be subject to this Privacy Policy.

How Your Personal Information is Used
YM collects your information in order to record, support and facilitate your participation on the site from which this policy is linked. If you subscribe to or register on the site, for example, the information is used provide access to the website and other benefits that may be made available to registered users. Your personal information is also used to track your website preferences and keep you informed within the community unless you have opted not to receive such communications or such communications are prohibited by law.

YM may collect information about the use of the Services and the site, such as the number of downloads, types of Services used, how many users we receive daily, and the IP/Internet address of your computer. This information is collected in aggregate form, without identifying any user individually.

YM may use this aggregate, non-identifying statistical data for improving the Site and Services, providing more relevant experiences to our clients and for statistical analysis.

Use of Cookies
When someone visits this site, standard internet log information and details of visitor behavior patterns are collected. This is done to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site. This information is collected in a manner in which it does not identify anyone. No attempts are made to find out the identities of those visiting this site. No data gathered from this site is associated to/with any personally identifying information from any source. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site. Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings.

Google Analytics cookies may be used on this site. These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use this site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors come to the site from, browsing patterns on this site, and the pages they visited.

Please note that YM is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of non-YM websites to which this site or any other YM website may link. Also, YM is not responsible for the privacy practices of its Clients or users of its Client websites. You should review the additional privacy policy of the Client site before using the site and contact the organization should you have questions regarding their policies.

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This website uses cookies to store information on your computer. Some of these cookies are used for visitor analysis, others are essential to making our site function properly and improve the user experience. By using this site, you consent to the placement of these cookies. Click Accept to consent and dismiss this message or Deny to leave this website. Read our Privacy Statement for more.