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Support Surface Standards Initiative (S3I)

Overview of Support Surface Standards Initiative (S3I)

The Support Surface Standards Initiative (S3I) is a subcommittee of the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Standards Committee. S3I coordinates the development of uniform terminology and education for support surfaces.

Educational Resources

Understanding Immersion and Envelopment Performance Tests
Understanding Horizontal Stiffness Test
Understanding Microclimate Management Tests
Selection Steps: Using Standards to Choose Wisely


NPIAP expresses its heartfelt thanks to the companies and individuals that participate in S3I activities. Participation in the committee’s work often involves the use of personal vacation time, and a significant commitment of time and professional skills, freely donated to the cause by committee members.

Who can participate

The S3I is an open process so all interested parties are invited to apply. The success of S3I to healthcare providers depends on active participation of all stakeholder groups including clinicians, researchers, scientists, healthcare manufacturers, and testing laboratories.

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